7 Behaviors to Look for When Hiring a B2B Social Media Manager

7 Behaviors to Look for When Hiring a B2B Social Media Manager

Posting an ad for a B2B social media manager? Get ready for a flood of unqualified applicants! We ask the following 7 questions to find the best candidates. 1. Do they USE LinkedIn? If you can’t find the candidate on LinkedIn, an immediate red flag should go up....
There is No ROI in B2B Social Media

There is No ROI in B2B Social Media

The Return Commercial Service Companies can expect is ROR = Return on Relationships. Social media should help your company manage all of your important business relationships – your “business friends.” Business friends are people you do business...
Social Media Internship Connects Key First Steps on Career Path

Social Media Internship Connects Key First Steps on Career Path

After finishing in the top ten percent of Stanford University graduates this year, Remy Gordon is poised to enter the business world with the kind of potential young people dream about. As Gordon reflects on his achievements so far, and all the possibilities his...
Who’s Acting Human Online: Burger & Brown Engineering

Who’s Acting Human Online: Burger & Brown Engineering

If you work in a highly specialized industry that revolves around technical data and complex production processes, the idea of acting human online as a business can seem a little intimidating. Manufacturing firms are a prime example. Many are reluctant to come out of...


1. Basics Twitter allows 140 characters to articulate a message. If you are anticipating a response from followers or clients, consider conserving space in your message so they have room to respond.   2. Purpose of Hashtags Hashtags (#) help you find relevant topics...