Founded in 2010 and headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas, it’s clear that LockPath understands the value of social media. They are masters at showing their social media followers that just because they sell audit software doesn’t mean they’re robots! In fact, many of their posts show a humorous and personable side to the company, which is exactly what your customers want to see.
Here’s what we love about what LockPath does online:
1. Key leadership is listed on the website with links to their LinkedIn profiles
When we clicked on the leadership page on LockPath’s website, everyone in unison said, “THIS IS AWESOME!!” When you list phone numbers and email addresses of key leadership publicly on your website, you are asking for spam to enter their voicemails and inboxes. On the other hand, if you link to their LinkedIn profiles, there is a greater opportunity for people to self-discover they should be doing business with you. We buy from who we know, like and trust so if one click from your website takes them to a place where they can see that 10 of their most trusted connections also know you, your chances of getting that business are much greater.
Social Media Tip: People do business with people. Your website is your online location and if they come to your online location and there are no real people, you have yourself a brochure company.
2. They aren’t afraid to show off their personality
Every company is different and your office culture is what makes your brand and business unique. We love that LockPath is willing to put themselves out there and show the world who they are. Remember, Facebook is also a recruiting tool by default. Your next best hires are likely checking you out to see if your culture is something they want to be a part of so if all you do is spam people with promotional posts, you miss the whole opportunity.
Social Media Tip: Let your customers see your company’s personality. If they feel a part of it, they are more comfortable buying from you. Remember, people buy from who they know, like and trust so your Facebook page is a great place to build that relationship.
3. Staff Publishes Blog Posts
Posting articles on your company’s website/blog is one of the best ways to keep your site active in the search engines. LockPath not only has employees blogging, they are going the extra mile to publish them on their own LinkedIn profiles!
Social Media Tip: What problems can you help your clients solve with a written guide? Write an article that helps them – WITHOUT talking about yourself! Make sure you publish all blog posts on employee LinkedIn profiles – especially those in business development roles.
4. They Use Twitter To Talk With People
Our favorite thing about LockPath’s Twitter account is that they don’t merely cut and paste exactly what they shared on Facebook. They are actually on Twitter to talk with people. Remember, Twitter is a communication tool, more like online texting than marketing. If you wouldn’t text it to someone, you probably don’t want to tweet it.
Social Media Tip: Use Twitter for its intended purpose – to talk WITH people, not AT people.
Five Stars, LockPath!
Learn more about LockPath by visiting their website: