When you look at engineering companies online, they often look the same. Portfolio of work, industry capabilities, management team, blah blah blah. We get it. Engineers are some of the most brilliant people on earth and we should all be exposed to their creative genius.
However, we also know that people buy for emotional reasons, not because of “industry capabilities.” They want to know you genuinely care about their project as much as they care about the skill you bring to the table.
Which brings us to why we love BHC Rhodes! BHC Rhodes is a local Kansas City engineering company that says first and foremost, they are in the “customer service business.” Helping customers first and designing second is at the core of their culture. Humans helping humans. The kind of company we all want to do business with.
Of course, their team is chock full of creative genius…. they have an impressive resume of Kansas City projects, including Sporting Park, Kansas City Power & Light, and the State Avenue Transit Center.
But they go beyond the typical project showcase to show us who they really are as a team, which gives us a glimpse into what it’s like to work with them as people.
Buildings don’t work with buildings. People work with people and that’s why we’re featuring BHC Rhodes in a “Who’s Acting Human Online Showcase.”
Four things we love about BHC Rhodes online:
1. They Host Office Olympics!
While millions of people watched the 2016 Rio Olympics, BHC Rhodes not only decided to host their own #OfficeOlympics but chose to record it and post it on their social networks so the rest of us to join in on the fun!
Each day during the Olympics, their team members competed in fun events like “rubber band archery,” “balloon shot put” and “tiny paper plate frisbee.”

This not only shows off the personalities of the people in the office, but it’s also a fantastic recruiting tool because it helps other like-minded engineers “find” themselves in the culture they see at BHC Rhodes. It also gives their clients and supporters a way to participate and be part of their company. When we feel part of a company, we become more invested, which creates loyalty and long-term relationships.
2. Drink a beer with the company president? Yes, please!
Social media is not typically on the minds of most decision-makers (even though it should be since that’s where you talk to all your people!) Anyway, that’s definitely not an issue over at BHC Rhodes because they’ve got a president who gets it.
Kevin Honomichl, BHC Rhodes President, is very active on Twitter. Whether he’s doing this all by himself or he has help is irrelevant… we’re not only hearing from BHC Rhodes as a company, but we’re also hearing personal thoughts and opinions from the top leadership, which is incredibly impactful. Kevin frequently congratulates people, features his employees, and even sometimes gives people a glimpse into his personal life.

Anyone can get to know him because he behaves like a real human online, going as far as inviting people to have a beer and discuss Smart Cities!

3. They Celebrate Associates
When you are working to build a company, it can be easy to get distracted and forget about celebrating the internal people who work hard to help clients every day.
Again, not a problem over at BHC Rhodes where they are consistently transparent about all the fun they have as a team.

4. They Don’t Have A Dead LinkedIn Company Page
LinkedIn is clunky… we know. It’s not as easy to work as Facebook and Twitter. But that doesn’t matter. It’s where all the business peeps are and BHC Rhodes has that figured out. Their company page on LinkedIn is one of our all-time favorites because they understand LinkedIn not just a publishing platform… LinkedIn is about business friends.
Who we work with, who we will collaborate with, who we will pay. It all comes down to the caliber of your business friends on LinkedIn and it’s obvious BHC Rhodes understands this well.